Student Progress
Reports concerning student progress shall be made to the parents or guardians of students in the School District at least four (4) times during the scholastic school year in grades K-12. Parents or guardians who have children in grades 1 through 12 that are making failing grades shall receive a progress/deficiency notice or progress report at the midpoint of each applicable grading period.
Homework Policy
Students shall be provided with opportunities to enhance and expand their understanding of skills and concepts through appropriate homework assignments. Such assignments should logically relate to classroom activities. Homework may be assigned to students on an individual and/or group basis, based on teacher judgment.
Student Responsibilities
Students will be expected to assume the following responsibilities when homework is assigned:
- Complete the assignment in the specified time period.
- Return the assignment on time.
- Do the best work possible when completing assignments.
Teacher Responsibilities
Teachers will be expected to assume the following responsibilities when homework is assigned
- Assign homework on a regular, but reasonable basis, keeping in mind the nature of the assignment and demands that may be placed on students by other teachers.
- Assign homework that is related to in-class instructional activities
- Grade or review the homework and return it to students on a timely basis.
- Utilize homework as an important part of student evaluation.
- Expect all students to complete assignments
- Refrain from assigning homework as punishment for disciplinary infractions.
Report Cards
Report cards are for the purpose of transmitting an evaluation of student progress to the student and his/her parents or guardians. Report cards shall be issued at least four (4) times during the scholastic year to all students enrolled in Lowndes County Public Schools grades K-12. Letter grades shall be mandatory in kindergarten classes in the schools of the School District based on the following scale:
O = Outstanding
S = Satisfactory
H = Help Needed
First-Twelfth Grade
Numerical grades are mandatory in grades one through three. Letter grades are also used to enhance the understanding of students and parents in supportive skills. The following scale will be utilized
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = Below 60
Numerical grades are mandatory for all academic subjects in grades four through twelve in the school of the District based upon the following scale:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = Below 60
FA = Failure Due to Absence
The letter grades "S" (Satisfactory) and "U" (Unsatisfactory) will be used to indicate grades in conduct for students enrolled in grades kindergarten through twelve. Students and parents or guardians are responsible for safeguarding report cards while they are in the possession. If a report card is lost or damaged beyond use, a replacement report card will be completed and reissued for a $.50 fee.
Final Examination
Final examinations shall be used to evaluate student achievement when conducted in such a way that they effectively estimate the achievement of the goals and objectives on which learning activities have been based.
All students in grades nine through twelve shall take a final examination for each course in which the student is enrolled. All final examinations will be administered according to a schedule approved by the Superintendent. Any student with an average of 92 or above in an elective course shall be exempted from taking the elective course final examination.