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Student Resources

Digital Online Curriculum

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Click on the link here for a video on how students in K-2 can log into the Chromebook


Quick Guide to Google Classroom


Q. How do we access Google Classroom?

A. Students all have user names and passwords which can be obtained from their homeroom teacher should they forget them. Students can sign in from any device to access their classroom materials or they can visit

Q. Does the student need to check the class each day?

A. Yes, students should open and view comments and assignments in each class every day. While assignments that are due that day pop up on the homepage, notes that teachers have posted appear in the stream and the only notification is to actually click on the class. Parents and students are encouraged to click on every Classroom to read notices from teachers, as well as to see assignments.

Q. Are grades in Google Classroom Official?

A. No. For many reasons, the Google Classroom is one tool used for teaching. While some grades may appear in Google Classroom, because of the need to review work, all official grades will still be recorded in the teacher's grade book and available for parents and students to view in Chalkable/INOW Portal.


The Lowndes County Public Schools System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth programs.  The following person(s) has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Ms. Kimberly Washington, Director of Human Resources  (click here to download student handbook)


The purpose of this handbook is to provide a unified, system-wide set of rules and regulations that will ensure a safe, friendly, businesslike surrounding where students and school personnel work cooperatively toward mutually accepted and recognized goals.

Therefore, it shall be the policy of the Lowndes County Board of Education to require principals, faculties, staffs, students, parents, and guardians involved in education in this county to comply with the Board adopted rules and regulations set forth in this Student Handbook for Lowndes County Public Schools.


It shall be the policy of the Board that the School District shall provide, on a nondiscriminatory basis, educational opportunities for students.  No person shall be denied the benefits of any education program or activity on the basis of race, color, handicap, creed, national origin, age or sex.  All programs offered by schools within the School District shall be open to all  students in compliance with statutory and judicial requirements.


It is the policy of the Board that individuals who have been identified as a national origin minority student with limited English proficiency shall not be excluded from participation in, denied benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in any program.  The board will adhere to all guidelines mandated by state and federal laws.

Image result for education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world



A.  In order for effective teaching to take place in the Lowndes County Schools, it is imperative that a cooperative relationship exists among students, parents, and educators.

B. In order to create this cooperative relationshop, the Lowndes County Board of Education envisions each participant assuming the following roles:

  1. Parents and Guardians must:
    • maintain regular communication with school personnel concerning their child's progress and conduct;
    • ensure that thier child is in daily attendance and promptly report and explain in absence or tardiness to school officials;
    • provide their child with the resources needed to complete the classwork;
    • bring to the attention of school authorities any problems or conditions which may affect their child;
    • discuss report cards and work assignments with their child;
    • maintain up-to-date homework and emergency healthcare;
    • attend scheduled parent-teacher conferences.
  2. Students must:
    • attend all classes daily and be punctual in attendance;
    • bring to class appropriate working materials;
    • be respectful to all individuals and of all property;
    • refrain from profane or inflammatory statements;
    • conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner;
    • be clean, neat, and appropriately dressed;
    • be responsible for their classwork and homework; and
    • show a positive, cooperative attitude toward the school.
  3. Schools must:
    • encourage the use of good guidance procedures
    • maintain an atmosphere conducive to good behavior
    • exhibit an attitude orf respect for students and parents
    • plan a flexible curriculum that meets the needs of all students
    • promote effective discipline based upon fair and impartial treatment of all students;
    • welcome and encourage participation by parents and guardians in school affairs;
    • encourage the school staff, parents and guardians, and students to use the avaliable services of community agencies;
    • encourage parents and guardians to maintain regular communication with the school;
    • seek to involve the entire community in order to improve the quality of life within the community.
  4. School personnel must:
    • be regular in attendance and punctual
    • be prepared to perform their duties with appropriate materials and lesson plans;
    • be respectful to all individuals and of all property
    • refrain from profane or inflammatory statements;
    • conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner
    • be clean, neat and appropriately dressed;
    • abide by the rules, regulations, laws, and policies set forth by the school system,
    • state, and or federal governing bodies;
    • seek changes in an orderly and recognized manner; and
    • strive to use a variety of informal disciplinary and guidance methods, prior to during and after formal disciplinary action including:
      • students program adjustments
      • referral to guidance personnel for group or individual counseling, psychological evaluations, and other services deemed appropriate;
      • conferences and/or contracts between administrators, parents and guardians, teachers and students;
      • referral to the PST or appropriate agencies for special problems;
      • continuous improvement of professional knowledge and skills; and 
      • positive, cooperative attitudes towards parents and guardians, students, co-workers, and the total school program.